251 research outputs found

    Variability and trends of Arctic water vapour from passive microwave satellites Special role of Polar lows and Atmospheric rivers

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    Water in the vapour phase is the most important component of the hydrological cycle. It is formed by processes of evaporation and sublimation during which a lot of energy as latent heat is absorbed from the atmosphere. Through atmospheric large and small scale circulation, this energy is transported and released elsewhere through the process of condensation. Water vapour is the most important greenhouse gas (GHG) due to its abundance and its effectiveness in absorbing longwave radiation. In the light of global climate change, it is of great importance to identify trends of water vapour amounts in the atmosphere and its variability. Climate change in terms of the near-surface temperature is most pronounced in the Arctic, known as Arctic Amplification. Since most of the Arctic are either open ocean or sea-ice covered surfaces, only sparse ground-based observations, mostly confined to land areas are available. Therefore, one must resort to usage of the satellite based observations which offer a great advantage by their large spatial coverage. For water vapour assessment, passive microwave satellites are well suited due to their ability to sense water vapour under clear and cloudy sky conditions independent of sun light. A number of products of integrated water vapour (IWV) from various satellites are available. However, these are often inconsistent and prone to have biases due to various assumptions and uncertainties of a priori data included in the retrieval algorithms. According to the Clausius-Clapeyron relation, water vapour is constrained by the saturation vapour pressure which is constrained only by the temperature. Therefore, this thesis investigates the hypothesis that brightness temperatures (Tbs) from spaceborne passive microwave instruments can be used as a proxy for water vapour trends. To test this hypothesis, satellites based Tbs are compared to synthetic Tbs derived from the Arctic System Reanalysis (ASR). To enable the comparison, the ASR has been evaluated in Tb space by employing the Passive and Active Microwave TRAnsfer forward model (PAMTRA). Moreover, Tbs from sounding channels were correlated with corresponding IWV based on the weighted absolute humidity profiles peaks. The hypothesis is tested for the dry, cold and sun-absent winter season (January) and the sun-return transitional spring season (May). The results show that Tbs from frequency channels can explain trends in the corresponding IWV columns derived from ASR for regions with significant positive trends for both, Tb and IWV since high correlation coefficients, reaching 0.98, have been found. This is true for different time scales, daily, monthly and for the period of 17 years (2000-2016). The exception to this has been found for May for daily time scale for frequency channel dominated by the signal from the upper troposphere lower stratosphere (UTLS). For this combination of Tbs and IWV correlations tend to be weaker and at some locations even negative. This is consistent with theoretical calculations and observational studies which report a cooling in the UTLS region for increasing IWV. However, Tbs from the corresponding channel seem less reliable in explaining trends of the corresponding IWV derived from the ASR. This indicates the importance of other processes relevant in the UTLS region during spring. Furthermore, this thesis investigates synoptic features which are associated with water vapour transport and precipitation. Previous studies have shown that Arctic cyclone activity during winter has a large impact on the sea ice melt in the following seasons making them important players in the complex feedback mechanism of the climate change in the Arctic. However, the life cycle of the most intense of such cyclones, also known as polar lows (PL) are not yet fully understood. To analyse their dynamics, this thesis investigates different environmental conditions (and their combination) between genesis and maturity stage of January PLs. PLs with overall lower thermal instability between the surface and 500 hPa during formation stage are typically accompanied by higher and steeper lapse rates throughout the boundary layer. Therefore these PLs were fostering convective development. However, as observed for a few cases, a decreased thermal instability alongside a simultaneous decrease of convection coincides with high relative humidity (mostly above 90%). Furthermore, higher relative humidity at lower levels during genesis stage promoted stronger winds at the maturity stage. Besides water vapour turnover associated with Arctic cyclones, atmospheric rivers (ARs) transport major amounts of moisture from tropical and extratropical regions into the Arctic. Studies have shown that about 90% of the total mid-latitude vertically integrated water vapour transport (IVT) is related to these synoptic features. To study the influence of ARs on PL precipitation, an event with a coupled AR and PL is compared to an event which featured only a PL. The AR had a strong influence on the PL resulting in higher snow amounts on the order of āˆ¼ 4 kg/m2 higher wind speeds and a longer distance traveled during its life cycle, compared to the PL only case

    Combining ability in some varieties of winter oil rape (brassica napus l.)

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    Five winter oil rape varieties (Falcon, Banaćanka, Sremica, Jet Neuf and Samuray) have been studied for general and specific combining abilities, mode of inheritance and gene effects for the number of leaves per plant and stem diameter. The varieties were examined in a diallel set of crosses excluding reciprocals. Falcon was the best general combiner for the number of leaves per plant, Banacanka for stem diameter. Samuray was the poorest general combiner for both traits. Dominance of the better parent and heterosis were expressed in the inheritance of the number of leaves per plant. Heterosis for stem diameter was registered in one cross. Genes with additive effect predominated in the inheritance of the number of leaves per plant, genes with dominant effect in the inheritance of stem diameter. The variety Falcon may be used as a component of synthetic varieties for improvement of the number of leaves per plant, the variety Jet Neuf for improvement of stem diameter

    Ocena komponenata genetičke varijanse mase 1000 semena kod suncokreta -Helianthus annuus L.-

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    Ten F1 hybrids obtained by crossing five sunflower inbred lines were used to analyze the impact of genes with additive and dominant effects and their interactions on the inheritance of mass 1000 seeds. The linkage among the expected progeny means was tested using the scaling tests method (Mather, 1949), while the estimates of gene effects and mode of inheritance were made by generation mean analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). The additive-dominant model was not proved adequate for all crosses in both years of study. It was adequate in crosses C1, C2, C3 and C5 in the first year and in crosses C3, C8, C9 and C10 in the second year of study. Besides the main gene effects (additive and dominant), epistatic gene effects were also of large importance in the inheritance of this trait. Duplicate epistasis between dominant decreasers was found in C1, C4, C5, C6 and C8 in the first year and in crosses C4, C9 and C10 in the second year of study. Complementary epistasis between dominant decreasers was found in cross C10 in the first year and duplicate epistasis between dominant increasers in cross C5 in the second year of study.Kod deset F1 hibrida nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem između pet inbred linija suncokreta po dialelnoj Å”emi analiziranje uticaj gena sa aditivnim i dominantnim efektima kao i njihovih interakcija u nasleđivanju mase 1000 semena. Povezanost između očekivanih srednjih vrednosti potomstava proverena je primenom metode scaling testova (Mather, 1949), a procena genskih efekata i način nasleđivanja urađeni su po metodi Generation Mean Analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). Aditivno-dominantan model nije bio adekvatan kod svih ukrÅ”tanja u obe godine ispitivanja. Bio je adekvatan kod ukrÅ”tanja C1, C2, C3 i C5, u prvoj i kod ukrÅ”tanja C3, C8, C9 i C10 u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Pored glavnih genskih efekata, aditivan i dominantan, u nasleđivanju ovog svojstva veliki značaj imali su i epistatični genski efekti. Duplikatni tip epistatze između dominantnih gena sa negativnim predznakom nađen je kod ukrÅ”tanja C1, C4, C5, C6 i C8 u prvoj i kod ukrÅ”tanja C4, C9 i C10 u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Komplementarna epistaza između dominantnih gena sa negativnim predznakom nađena je kod ukrÅ”tanja Ci0 u prvoj, a duplikatna epistaza između dominantnih gena sa pozitivnim predznakom je nađena u ukrÅ”tanju C5 u drugoj godini ispitivanja

    Raspberry and blackberry pomaces as potential sources of bioactive compounds

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    Introduction. The concern for obtaining some secondary metabolites with health-beneficial effects has initiated studies on valorization of by-products. In this sense, fruit processing by-products have attracted great interest as sources of bioactive compounds. Materials and methods. Pomaces of rasnberry and blackberry were obtained after juice separation. These byproducts were characterized in terms of total phenolic content (TPC) by Folin-Ciocalteu method and total monomeric anthocyanins content (TAC) by pH differential method. Also, antioxidant activity of pomaces against stable 1,1-dipheny1-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was evaluated. Results and discussion. Pomace of blackberry was characterized by significantly higher TPC (10.1 mgGAE/g) and TAC (6 mg C3GE/g) compared to raspberry (8.2 and 3.6 mg/g, respectively). DPPH radical scavenging activity was similar, with slightly higher values in pomace of raspberry (11.7 mu molTrolox/g) than in blackberry (10.9 mu molTrolox/g). The total soluble solids was 9.3 degrees Bx in RP sample, significantly lower than in BP sample with value 14.5 degrees Bx. This study indicates that both, raspberry and blackberry pomaces, as wastes of juice production, could be used as a cheap source of bioactive compounds with strong antioxidant activity. Therefore, these pomaces should be considered as a raw material for production of valuable dietary supplements and natural colorants for development of new products with high value added. By-products of fruit processing could be used due to convenience, accessibility and low cost, as suitable way to increase health properties of food. The potential utilization of fruit pomaces could be the enrichment of different products such as bakery products, biscuits, cookies, paste, ice cream, fruit yogurts etc. Additionally, the potential applications of the ethanol used for bioactive compounds extraction in this study must be considered on the basis of the solvent percent choice, liquid-solid ratio, temperature, and time applied. Conclusion. Raspberry and blackberry pomaces, discarded during juice production, represent significant sources of bioactive compounds, such as phenolic antioxidants

    Kombinirajuće sposobnosti sorti uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    The global acreage under rapeseed increases steadily. Rapeseed is grown for oil for human consumption, feed and biodiesel production. For faster advances in breeding, it is necessary to know variability and combining ability of selection material i.e. modes of inheritance of certain traits. General (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) of five rapeseed varieties as well as the mode of inheritance of plant height, height to the first lateral branch, number of lateral branches and seed yield per plant were analyzed in this paper. Positive heterosis for plant height was found in five cross combinations, for the height to the first lateral branch in two combinations and for the number of lateral branches in only one combination and for seed yield in three cross combinations. .PovrÅ”ine pod uljanom repicom u svetu su u stalnom porastu. Uljana repica se gaji za dobijanje ulja za humanu konzumaciju, za proizvodnju stočne hrane i biodizela. Za brži napredak u oplemenjivanju neophodno je poznavanje varijabilnosti i kombinacionih sposobnosti selekcionog materijala, odnosno načina nasleđivanja pojedinih svojstava. U radu su analizirane opÅ”te (OKS) i posebne (PKS) kombinacione sposobnosti pet sorti uljane repice i način nasleđivanja visine biljke, visine prve bočne grane, broja bočnih grana i prinosa semena po biljci. Pozitivni heterozis ispoljio se za visinu biljke kod pet, za visinu prve bočne grane kod dve, broj bočnih grana kod jedne i prinosa semena kod tri kombinacije ukrÅ”tanja.

    Microplastics - an invisible threat to health and the environment

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    Posljedica nezaustavljivog rasta proizvodnje plastike i neadekvatnog odlaganja otpada je onečiŔćenje plastikom koje postaje globalni izazov. Velike su količine odbačene plastike u okoliÅ”u pod direktnim utjecajem biotičkih i abiotičkih faktora zbog kojih dolazi do usitnjavanja čestica i nastajanja sitnih čestica plastike, odnosno mikroplastike. Mikroplastika je brzorastući onečiŔćivač koji, zbog svoje sveprisutnosti u okoliÅ”u i u čovjekom neposrednom okruženju, izaziva veliku zabrinutost javnosti, ali i privlači pažnju znanstvenika u otkrivanju Å”tetnih utjecaja na zdravlje i okoliÅ”. Male dimenzije čestica stvaraju poteÅ”koće pri detekciji, identifikaciji, a posebice pri uklanjanju mikroplastike iz okoliÅ”a. Zbog toksičnih efekata, potrebno je smanjiti odlaganje plastike u okoliÅ” te razviti ili poboljÅ”ati već postojeće metode te provesti zakonsku regulativu kojima bi se smanjilo ispuÅ”tanje mikroplastike u okoliÅ”

    Osobine polena uljanih vrsta iz novosadske kolekcije

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    The collection of oil species in Novi Sad contains 12 species represented with 1-4 cultivars or landraces. In the continuous work on this collection in the sense of breeding of some of those species and their usage as a source of 'desirable genes' we analyzed pollen grain morphology (shape and size), as well as pollen viability. To determine mentioned pollen traits we used Axiovert 40C microscope together with a software package (AxioVision LE; Rel.4.3.) for measurement of pollen length and width. Pollen viability was determined using a staining method (ALEXANDER, 1969). The results showed that species differ by pollen grain shape (round, egg-shaped, triangular and rod) as well as by shape of exine (thick and spiky, thick to thin). In some species there was a specific number of apertures present (1-11). The size of viable pollen grains ranged from 29,10/12,58Ī¼ (coriander) to 176,63/169,94Ī¼ (oil gourd), while non-viable pollen grains were always smaller (27,27/10,97Ī¼ to 119,62/100,86Ī¼) at the same plant species. Pollen viability of most species was around 80%. Lowest pollen viability was found in white flax (56,98%), and the highest in oil pumpkin (91,43%).Kolekcija uljanih vrsta u Novom Sadu raspolaže sa 12 vrsta zastupljenih sa 1-4 sorte, odnosno lokalne populacije. Za dalji rad na koriŔćenju ove kolekcije u smislu oplemenjivanja pojedinih vrsta ili koriŔćenje istih kao izvor 'poželjnih gena' ispitivana je morfologija polenovih zrna (oblik i veličina), kao i vitalnost polena. Za određivanje osobina polena koriŔćen je mikroskop Axiovert 40C, a za merenje dužine i Å”irine polenovih zrna softver AxioVision LE; Rel.4.3. Vitalnost polena je određena bojenom metodom (ALEXANDER, 1969). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da su se vrste razlikovale po obliku polenovih zrna (okrugla, jajasta, trouglasta i Å”tapičasta) kao i po izgledu egzine (debela i bodljikava, debela do tanka). Za neke vrste je karakteristično postojanje određenog broja septi (1-11). Veličina vitalnih polenovih zrna se kretala od 29,10/12,58Ī¼ (korijander) do 176,63/169,94Ī¼ (uljana bundeva), dok su sterilna zrna bila uvek sitnija (27,27/10,97Ī¼ do 119,62/100/86Ī¼) kod istih biljnih vrsta. Vitalnost polena kod najvećeg broja vrsta je bila oko 80%. Najnižu vitalnost polena je imao lan beli (56,98%), a najviÅ”u uljana tikva (91,43%)

    Zavisnost kvaliteta i prinosa semena uljane repice od sklopa, sorte i godine proizvodnje

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    Rapeseed is an important industrial plant in the world. In Vojvodina region of Serbia it is grown on well aerated and deep soils. Most often it is sown with the distance between the rows of 25 cm, and 5-6 cm within the row. The trial with three winter rapeseed genotypes (Banaćanka, Slavica and NS-H-2) was set up at Rimski Å ančevi (Vojvodina) during growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. Seed was sown with inter row spacing of 25 cm, and spacing within the rows of 5 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm and 16 cm. The following parameters were tested upon harvesting: seed germination, 1000 seed weight, test weight, seed yield, oil content and total protein in seed. No effect of planting density was observed on rapeseed seed quality produced in 2009/10 and 2010/11, which should be kept in mind when determining the quantity of seed required for sowing.Uljana repica je značajna industrijska biljka u svetu. U Vojvodini se najčeŔće gaji na dobro aerisanim i dubokim zemljiÅ”tima. Setva se najčeŔće vrÅ”i sa razmakom između redova 25 cm, a u redu 5-6 cm. Ogled sa tri genotipa ozime uljane repice (Banaćanka, Slavica i NS-H-2) je postavljen na Rimskim Å”ančevima (Vojvodina) u vegetacionoj sezoni 2009/2010. i 2010/2011. Setva je izvrÅ”ena u redove sa međurednim razmakom 25 cm i razmakom u redu od 5 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm i 16 cm. Nakon žetve ispitani su sledeći parametri: klijavost semena, masa 1000 semena, zapreminska masa, prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i ukupnih proteina u semenu. U naÅ”im ispitivanjima nije utvrđen uticaj sklopa na kvalitet semena uljane repice proizvedenog u vegetacionoj sezoni 2009/10. i 2010/11. Å”to treba imati u vidu prilikom određivanja potrebne količine semena za setvu

    Učinak diklorvosa na aktivnost butirilkolinesteraze i metabolizam lipida u Ŕtakora

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    This paper describes the effects of dichlorvos (DDVP) on butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity with possible consequences for lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in rats. The rats of both sexes were given a single and multiple doses of DDVP (8.0 mg/kg body weight) with twoā€“day intervals between administrations, ensuring the continuous inhibition of BuChE activity without lethal outcome. BuChE activity was measured in plasma, liver, and white and brown adipose tissue. The recovery of BuChE activity was observed only in white adipose tissue of female rats 10 days after treatment. Our results show that DDVP significantly decreases BuChE activity in female and male rat plasma (40ā€“60%; P<0.05), and significantly increases triglycerides (60ā€“600%; P<0.05) and total cholesterol (35ā€“75%; P<0.05). In contrast to the increased HDLā€“cholesterol (20ā€“30%; P<0.05), LDLā€“cholesterol decreased (30ā€“40%; P<0.05). The decrease of BuChE activity and the changes in concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins were observed throughout the experiment. Our results contribute to the hypothesis that BuChE may play a role in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.U radu su opisani učinci diklorvosa (DDVP) na aktivnost enzima butirilkolinesteraze (BuChE) i metabolizam lipida i lipoproteina u Å”takora obaju spolova. Učinci DDVPā€“a u dozi od 8,0 mg/kg tjelesne težine istraživani su poslije primjene jedne i dviju intraperitonealnih aplikacija. Kod ponovljenih aplikacija DDVP je davan svakih 48 sati kako bi se osigurala kontinuirana inhibicija BuChE u tretiranih životinja, ali bez pojave smrtnosti životinja. Aktivnost BuChE izmjerena je u plazmi, jetri te bijelome i smeđem masnom tkivu. Oporavak aktivnosti BuChE uočen je samo u bijelom masnom tkivu ženki Å”takora koje su žrtvovane 10 dana nakon zadnjeg tretmana. Nađeno je da DDVP značajno smanjuje aktivnost BuChE u plazmi životinja obaju spolova (40ā€“60%; P<0,05) te značajno povećava koncentraciju triglicerida (60ā€“600%; P<0,05) i ukupnog kolesterola (35ā€“75%; P<0,05). Za razliku od povećane vrijednosti HDLā€“kolesterola (20ā€“30%; P<0,05) uočen je statistički značajan pad koncentracije LDLā€“kolesterola (30ā€“40%; P<0,05). Aktivnosti BuChE, kao i promjene u koncentracijama lipida i lipoproteina primijećene su tijekom cijelog eksperimenta. NaÅ”i rezultati govore u prilog hipotezi da BuChE ima važnu logu u metabolizmu lipida i lipoproteina in vivo

    Djelovanje cikloheksimida na aktivnost butirilkolinesteraze in vivo

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    The paper describes the catalytic activity of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) measured in plasma, liver, white adipose tissue, heart, and brain of rats intraperitoneally administered a single nonā€“lethal dose of cycloheximide (2.0 mg/kg body weight; CHM). The BuChE assay was performed on rats of both sexes either administered CHM or saline (controls), and killed 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 days later. A significant decrease of BuChE catalytic activity was observed in all tested tissues except plasma. In animals of both sexes, the lowest BuChE catalytic activity was found in the liver (2ā€“6%), while it was higher in white adipose tissue, heart, and brain. However, the respective values remained significantly different from controls (33ā€“67%, 49ā€“62%, and 14ā€“71% in males, and 24ā€“82%, 72ā€“86%, and 33ā€“67% in females). Since there was no effect of CHM on BuChE catalytic activity in plasma, the data suggest that CHM inhibits the synthesis of BuChE rather than its active site.U ovom je istraživanju mjerena katalitička aktivnost enzima butirilkolinesteraze (BuChE) u plazmi, jetri, bijelom masnom tkivu, srcu i mozgu Å”takora tretiranih jednokratnom intraperitonealnom dozom cikloheksimida (2,0 mg/kg tjelesne težine, CHM). Katalitička aktivnost enzima izmjerena je u navedenim tkivima životinja obaju spolova koje su žrtvovane 2, 3, 4, 5 ili 10 dana nakon primjene CHMā€“a ili fizioloÅ”ke otopine (kontrolna skupina). Značajno smanjenje katalitičke aktivnosti enzima BuChE izmjereno je u svim tkivima tretiranih životinja osim u plazmi gdje njegova aktivnost u životinja obaju spolova tijekom cjelokupnog istraživanja nije značajno odstupala od kontrolnih vrijednosti. Preostala katalitička aktivnost BuChE u jetrenome tkivu tretiranih životinja obaju spolova bila je 2ā€“6%, dok je u masnom tkivu, srcu i mozgu aktivnost ovog enzima bila viÅ”a negoli u jetri, no statistički značajno različita od aktivnosti u istim tkivima kontrolnih životinja. Katalitička aktivnost BuChE u bijelome masnom tkivu, srcu i mozgu tretiranih mužjaka bila je 33ā€“67, 49ā€“62 i 14ā€“71% u odnosu na aktivnost enzima u tkivima kontrolnih mužjaka, dok je u istim tkivima ženki taj raspon bio 24ā€“82, 72ā€“86 i 33ā€“67%. Butirilkolinesteraza je enzim koji se većim dijelom sintetizira u jetri te izlučuje u cirkulaciju gdje mu je vrijeme polovičnog raspada 8ā€“12 dana. Budući da CHM nije imao učinka na katalitičku aktivnost BuChE u plazmi Å”takora, a aktivnost enzima u jetri i drugim tkivima u kojima se vjerojatno sintetizira bila je značajno smanjena, može se zaključiti da CHM inhibira sintezu enzima, a ne njegovu katalitičku aktivnost. Stoga aktivnost BuChE u plazmi ne može biti pokazatelj otrovanja cikloheksimidom u ljudi
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